Featured Articles

Our Featured Article archive is a collection of articles published on the Hydrogen Tech World home page. In addition to industry updates, the Featured Article offers a diverse range of content, including technical articles, case studies, project reports and company profiles. If you would like your company to be in the spotlight in this category with an in-depth report written by our editorial team, please contact Simon Neffelt.

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Matjaž Matošec

BEST4Hy: paving the way for a sustainable management of end-of-life fuel cells

Horizon 2020 research and innovation project BEST4Hy – SustainaBlE SoluTions FOR recycling of end-of-life Hydrogen technologies – is developing low-environmental-impact technologies for the recovery and recycling of materials vital to the hydrogen supply chain, while considering the policy framework that could support sustainable management of end-of-life (EoL) fuel cells. This article introduces the BEST4Hy project and provides an analysis of the challenges and opportunities associated with the recycling of EoL hydrogen technologies.

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Matjaž Matošec

Electrodeionization processes for ultrapure water production in green hydrogen generation

It is well documented that all electrolysers require ultrapure water (UPW) as a feedstock for hydrogen production. Nine litres of water are required to produce 1 kg of hydrogen, and approximately 200 litres per hour of UPW are required per MW of electrolyser capacity. The importance of UPW is to ensure the efficiency and longevity of the electrolyser through the prevention of fouling or scaling. Electrodeionization (EDI) is an electrochemical membrane process that may be used as part of the UPW preparation. This article aims to explain the EDI process and highlight its advantages, especially for high capacities that will be needed as hydrogen generation scales up.

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Matjaž Matošec

Green ammonia production: harnessing green hydrogen

Ammonia, a cornerstone of the global food supply chain, has traditionally been produced through carbon-intensive methods. This article discusses the need for and potential of green ammonia, which is produced by integrating green hydrogen with the Haber-Bosch process. It highlights the challenges such integration presents, innovative solutions to overcome them, and the positive impact of doing so.

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Matjaž Matošec

The role of solid oxide electrolyzers in the green hydrogen landscape

In a world grappling with the urgent need to reduce carbon emissions, the future of hydrogen is undeniably bright. As the demand for low-carbon hydrogen continues to grow, we find ourselves on the cusp of a transformative energy shift. According to the two-degree Paris Agreement scenario, the demand for low-carbon hydrogen is projected to reach a staggering 343 million metric tonnes per annum (Mtpa). Of this potential demand, green hydrogen is expected to account for 70%, or roughly 241 Mtpa. Now, compare that to today’s reality, where a mere 80 Mtpa is being produced as grey hydrogen worldwide. This means that the green hydrogen market alone is poised to become three times the size of the current grey hydrogen market.

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Matjaž Matošec

Omniseal Solutions: empowering Net-Zero ambitions with precision sealing

Sealing performance and reliability are among the most critical features of an energy system that is becoming increasingly reliant on the smallest molecule in the universe. With a legacy of leadership in materials and sealing innovation spanning over 65 years and backed by Saint-Gobain, ranked among the Top 100 industrial corporations, Omniseal Solutions is ideally positioned to lead the way in precision sealing for the burgeoning hydrogen economy. Already serving the majority of hydrogen applications, the company’s portfolio of sealing solutions is now expanding to include gaskets for electrolyser stacks.

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Matjaž Matošec

Reinventing hydrogen storage and transportation technologies

In the last few years, since the investments have started increasing dramatically in the hydrogen space, the vast majority of the industry has been focused on addressing the production challenge. With over 1046 (clean) hydrogen projects, 38 million tons of annual production capacity projected by 2030, fast-improving electrolysis efficiency and decreasing costs, the green hydrogen production industry is not there yet, but it is on-track. The next challenges for hydrogen are storage and transportation.

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Matjaž Matošec

Green hydrogen as beacon of hope: overcoming technological challenges together

Innovative technologies that optimize energy efficiency will play a critical role in reducing the energy demand of numerous applications, thereby lowering the overall projected demand and meeting the Paris climate goals. One forward-looking example is the use of industrial waste heat generated during the production of green hydrogen and fed directly back into the manufacturing process.

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Matjaž Matošec

BUTTING CryoTech: contributing to green hydrogen

With our BUTTING Group products, we have long been a contributor to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. BUTTING CryoTech offers impressive evidence of this by supporting the increased use of renewable energies.

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