Featured Articles

Our Featured Article archive is a collection of articles published on the Hydrogen Tech World home page. In addition to industry updates, the Featured Article offers a diverse range of content, including technical articles, case studies, project reports and company profiles. If you would like your company to be in the spotlight in this category with an in-depth report written by our editorial team, please contact Simon Neffelt.

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Matjaž Matošec

The missing link to a green hydrogen future

As the hydrogen industry evolves, large-scale, low-cost, replicable, and site-independent hydrogen storage will be an essential element contributing to the optimisation of the green hydrogen value chain. This article introduces a novel hydrogen storage design that provides large-scale storage of compressed hydrogen and addresses a yawning gap in the green hydrogen value chain.

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Matjaž Matošec

Getting plants fit for hydrogen

The future will see many combined-cycle power plants running on hydrogen or a natural gas/hydrogen mixture. Designing power plants that are suitable for hydrogen transition marks a crucial step on the path to low-carbon energy generation. There have been no transparent criteria and definitions of when a plant is considered H2-ready – until now. A new guideline fills this gap, assisting with reliable certification of H2-readiness and thereby ensuring safety and inspiring trust.

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Matjaž Matošec

The promise of hydrogen comes with the responsibility of safety

Most of us are exposed to a variety of fuels and energy sources each day. The more common include gasoline, natural gas, propane, and electricity. All of these can be hazardous and can create significant risks if not handled properly. We have grown comfortable, if not complacent, with most of these even though they can cause harm or damage property. Introducing a new fuel to the mix, hydrogen, should not cause us to shrink back, especially if it can bring significant benefits.

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xx-coax_block processing
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Matjaž Matošec

müller coax group: extensive track record in H2 solutions

In 1960, a stroke of genius – the invention of the coaxial valve – laid the foundation of what has become a globally operating family-owned company that caters for a wide range of industrial customers. To this day, and more so than ever, the müller coax group remains committed to developing high-performance valves for the most extreme conditions.

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Ionomr membrame
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Matjaž Matošec

Alkaline AEM water electrolysis with Ionomr Innovations’ Aemion+®

By 2050, carbon-neutral ‘green’ hydrogen will deliver a significant proportion of the world’s total energy and become a multi-trillion-dollar industry, decarbonizing major industries including steel and ammonia, and enabling zero-emission FCEVs. Water electrolysis is the only technology for green hydrogen production that can scale to meet demand, and the marketplace for green hydrogen is growing rapidly. Anion-exchange membrane water electrolysis is emerging as a step change for the cost of green hydrogen.

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Q13a-A platform
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Matjaž Matošec

Offshore hydrogen production enables far-offshore wind deployment

The North Sea area is in transition. While oil and gas production is in decline, the deployment of offshore wind turbines in large-scale wind parks to produce offshore renewable energy is accelerating. The European ambition is to deploy 300 GW of offshore wind by 2050. Up to 72 GW of that target can be realised in the Dutch North Sea.

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Matjaž Matošec

Pro tip: how to look like a serious person in the energy transition

When I switched careers and started working for an industrial gas company, I presented a hydrogen business case I was working on to my boss’s boss. I went into this meeting a bit sweaty palmed, but as the session progressed, I felt it was going well, up to a point. Then I was asked what natural gas price the hydrogen price in the model was based on, and I could not answer on the spot. What followed was a hairdryer treatment that seriously bruised my confidence. Later my boss told me not to worry too much as his senior was a notoriously tough character, and calibrating recruits was par for the course. He also gave me this simple rule which I remembered well: never quote a hydrogen price without an energy price assumption.

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TEADIT: sealing for a safer and greener tomorrow
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Matjaž Matošec

TEADIT: sealing for a safer and greener tomorrow

Since its inception in 1958, TEADIT has been at the forefront of innovation in industrial sealing solutions, with leakage control and environmental preservation at the heart of its endeavours. Now, the company is building on its expertise to play an active role in the rapidly emerging green hydrogen sector.

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