How to contribute

Technical Articles

We are always looking for hydrogen technology experts to write for us. Submit a single article, a series of articles on a specific topic, or pitch us a column idea. 800–1200 words.

Interview Participation

If you are a hydrogen end user, an EPC company or a retired consultant, we would be happy to spend 15–30 minutes asking about your experiences in the field, so we can write an article about you.

Case Studies

Did you recently help an end user with a hydrogen-related problem? Explain your customer’s issue, how you diagnosed the problem and how the issue was fixed. 200–400 words.

Press Releases

These may appear in the News section of the online magazine or the News sections of the website. 250–300 words.

All editorial questions and submissions should be directed towards the editor-in-chief, Mr. Matjaž Matošec, at: or +31 262 051 519.

Cover Story

Want to feature your company on the cover of the Hydrogen Tech World magazine? Each issue features one company, on the front Cover along with a 4-page Cover Story article to highlight the capabilities, achievements and potential of your company.

If you are interested in exploring the possibilities of having your company on the cover, please contact Mr. Simon Neffelt, at: or +49 2821 71145 44 for more information.