Materials News

Throughout the hydrogen value chain, a wide range of metallic and non-metallic materials are used to serve many different purposes. Their selection is based on numerous factors, such as material properties, availability, and cost, as well as process conditions and other requirements concerning strength, weight, temperature, pressure, corrosion resistance, conductivity, etc. In this section you can find news items related to the materials used in all equipment associated with water electrolysis, hydrogen transport, storage, and processing. If you would like to see your news release published here and in our email newsletter, please feel free to contact Matjaž Matošec.

Plug Power

Plug Power and Johnson Matthey form strategic partnership

Plug Power and Johnson Matthey (JM) have announced a long-term strategic partnership to accelerate the green hydrogen economy. JM will become an important strategic supplier of MEA components, providing a substantial portion of Plug’s demand for catalysts, membranes, and catalyst coated membranes (CCM).

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Accidental discovery could revolutionize green hydrogen production

In a serendipitous scientific discovery, a team of researchers from the National University of Singapore have found that light can trigger a new mechanism in a catalytic material used extensively in water electrolysis. The result is a more energy-efficient – and potentially revolutionary – method of obtaining hydrogen.

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Platinum-lanthanum catalyst could slash fuel cell costs

Researchers have devised a method for combining high-cost platinum and a low-cost rare earth element, lanthanum, as an alloy to serve as a catalyst in the next generation of fuel cells. This development could improve the performance of fuel cells, slash their cost, and make it easier to decarbonize heavy transport that is hard to electrify with batteries.

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