Materials News

Throughout the hydrogen value chain, a wide range of metallic and non-metallic materials are used to serve many different purposes. Their selection is based on numerous factors, such as material properties, availability, and cost, as well as process conditions and other requirements concerning strength, weight, temperature, pressure, corrosion resistance, conductivity, etc. In this section you can find news items related to the materials used in all equipment associated with water electrolysis, hydrogen transport, storage, and processing. If you would like to see your news release published here and in our email newsletter, please feel free to contact Matjaž Matošec.

3M invests in PEM electrolyzer system developer Ohmium International

3M has completed a strategic investment in Ohmium International, a developer of PEM electrolyzer systems for green hydrogen production. This investment is part of 3M’s commitment to advancing technologies that support the transition to a low-carbon economy and may also help the company further decarbonize its own operations.

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New electrolysis cells pave way for cheaper hydrogen

Researchers at DTU have fabricated and tested a new type of ceramic electrolysis cells with Ni-GDC fuel electrodes and demonstrated that instead of wearing out, the electrodes maintain their performance. Electrolysis cells play a key role in converting electricity from wind turbines and solar cells into fuels such as hydrogen, methanol, and ammonia.

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WEVO-CHEMIE develops new sealants and adhesives for electrolysers

WEVO-CHEMIE GmbH has introduced new materials applied as liquid sealants and adhesives for automated production of alkaline, AEM, and PEM electrolyser stacks, significantly speeding up the process compared to manual assembly. These materials offer high chemical resistance, low hydrogen permeation, and good adhesion.

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LANXESS ion exchange resins used in hydrogen production

LANXESS has developed special ion exchange resin grades within its Lewatit UltraPure range that are suitable for water treatment in PEM electrolysis. The company recommends its Lewatit UltraPure 1242 MD, 1212 MD, and 1295 MD ion exchange resins, which are optimized for this application, to ensure low TOC (Total Organic Carbon) levels.

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