Fuel Cells News

Hydrogen fuel cells are electrochemical devices used to convert the chemical energy of hydrogen into electrical energy, releasing heat in the process while producing water as the only by-product of the electrochemical reactions. There are several types of hydrogen fuel cells, including alkaline, proton exchange membrane (PEM), phosphoric acid, and solid oxide fuel cells. These technologies differ in numerous ways, most notably in the component materials used to support the electrochemical process. In this section you can find news items related to various aspects of fuel cell technologies. If you would like to see your news release published here and in our email newsletter, please feel free to contact Matjaž Matošec.

Proton Motor to expand fuel cell manufacturing capability

Proton Motor Power Systems plc, the UK parent company of hydrogen fuel cell manufacturer Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH, has signed a 15-year lease agreement for a 13,500 m2 production facility, which will be used to significantly expand the company’s manufacturing, testing and development capabilities.

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Platinum-lanthanum catalyst could slash fuel cell costs

Researchers have devised a method for combining high-cost platinum and a low-cost rare earth element, lanthanum, as an alloy to serve as a catalyst in the next generation of fuel cells. This development could improve the performance of fuel cells, slash their cost, and make it easier to decarbonize heavy transport that is hard to electrify with batteries.

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Fuel cell manufacturing technology continues to advance

Optima Life Science is developing a test converter specifically for the development and testing of innovative manufacturing processes for fuel cells. To exploit the full potential of production methods, the company has received funding from the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg.

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