Fuel Cells News

Hydrogen fuel cells are electrochemical devices used to convert the chemical energy of hydrogen into electrical energy, releasing heat in the process while producing water as the only by-product of the electrochemical reactions. There are several types of hydrogen fuel cells, including alkaline, proton exchange membrane (PEM), phosphoric acid, and solid oxide fuel cells. These technologies differ in numerous ways, most notably in the component materials used to support the electrochemical process. In this section you can find news items related to various aspects of fuel cell technologies. If you would like to see your news release published here and in our email newsletter, please feel free to contact Matjaž Matošec.

Alfa Laval launches heat exchanger for fuel cell systems

Alfa Laval has launched the first heat exchanger developed specifically for fuel cell systems. The new AlfaNova GL50 is an asymmetric gas-to-liquid plate heat exchanger suited to fuel cell systems as well as applications such as waste heat recovery, biogas post-treatment, and cooling of hydrogen from electrolyzers.

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