Our Mission
Why Hydrogen Tech World?
- Given societal pressures to rapidly develop a robust and reliable hydrogen infrastructure, an extensive exchange of knowledge amongst and between all parties will be an absolute prerequisite! Hydrogen Tech World will service the global hydrogen production community via events and media.
- We will focus on the technology that is used in hydrogen production, processing, transport and storage. We believe that technology fits KCI’s core competences and experience, as we have been building technology communities and bringing people together for over 30 years.
- At KCI, we genuinely want to help the world transition to a sustainable future. So working under the Hydrogen Tech World brand, we will create a community where people and companies can freely and easily meet, share insights, discuss technologies and thereby facilitate the safe, clean and efficient production of hydrogen
Why Hydrogen?
Hydrogen is a kingpin in the energy transition! Here’s why:
- Hydrogen is the perfect way to store surplus electricity from (fluctuating) sustainable sources. Simply use this electricity to split water via electrolysis and capture the resultant hydrogen gas.
- Sustainable electricity is a limitless resource when harvested from wind, solar, wave, etc.
- With a high energy density, hydrogen is also a convenient energy source for direct deployment. It can be used to replace or augment natural gas to heat homes and fuel industries, to power fuel cells in vehicles, as a feedstock for the chemical industry, etc.
- Hydrogen gas can be conveniently compressed and liquefied, greatly facilitating storage, distribution and transport.
- In combination with sustainable electricity, hydrogen can be used as a direct replacement for fossil fuels such as oil and gas.